Monday, September 10, 2012

GrandPrecious Treasure

Dear Liam, your dad's nickname
as a child was Precious Treasure.
Hence, the post title.
This is the excitement in the 
hours prior to your birth.
From over 2400 miles away,
it went down like this--

ultrasound pic
from screenshot on
May 11, 2012

Friday, August 3, 2012

8:38 p.m. Eastern time
text rcvd from Grandmomma Cheri to G-pa Evan
"Nikki’s water broke. Got 6 a.m. flight out in the morning."

8:42 p.m. We had company and were so grateful to share it with friends Karen and Pat H., Peggy and Bill T., Brigitte and Tom D.  We'd just looked at two sets of beautiful wedding pics from Greece and from an island off Washington State, and a visit with precious twin babies from MN.
8:49 p.m. called my parents Patty & Jimmy (your great grandparents) to let them know you were on your way!

8:52 p.m. texted Jamie and Sierra
"Nikki’s water broke! Cal Cal is on his way!"
(Aunt Jamie wanted you to be named Calvin)

8:57 text from Toni
"Hi Cheri! Praying for Nikki Mike you & Bruce & BabyPeter. Thx for letting us know! Love you & holding you close in my heart."

9:34 p.m. got call from Grandmomma Cheri

9:38 p.m. text from Jamie

9:43 p.m. from Toni
"I know right!"

I called Grandmomma Cheri and we talked for a little while. Cheri was packing very quickly and gathering her things and your books to bring to you. 

10 p.m. Daddy sent a text picture  "Mommy with a glimpse of a smile between contractions"

10:01 p.m. text from 216.570.6875

10:02 p.m. from Toni: 
"Thank you so much for sharing! How far apart are contractions?"

10:33 p.m. (from Jamie)
"Call me"

10:34 called Auntie Jamie

10:40 p.m. from Daddy Mike:  
"About two mins" 
(time between contractions)

10:44 p.m. text from Great Aunt Lois
"EXCITING NEWS!!!! Keep us posted"

(Meanwhile, I texted all the relatives I could remember in the flurry of 
excitement. I misspelled things and Great Aunt Bonnie caught the flumbling.)

10:46 p.m. text from Bonnie
"Yahoo! What does madxe mean?" J

10:48 p.m. text from 2d cousin Jace
 "Ew" (about Mommy's water breaking)

10:49 p.m. text from Toni: 
"silly Jace! That’s how nature works"

text from Jace:  
"Did the mucus plug come out yet?"

text from Toni:  
"I am crackin’ up! Your momma must be sitting near you, for goodness sakes"

10:51 p.m. text from Jace:  
"Haha I’m at Dustin’s"

10:59 call from Grandma Cheri; spoke 26 min

11:08 p.m. text from Bobe (second cousin Bryan)
"Good deal"

Saturday, Aug 4  12:51 a.m. text from your Daddy:  
"They are, but slowing down a bit"

1:04 a.m. text from Daddy
"I take that back. 10cm now"

4:26 a.m. text from Daddy
"Done! Check your email"

7:45 a.m. text from Great Uncle Reed
"Did the baby hatch or do I have 2 wait till Thanksgiving 2 hear?"

7:48 a.m. Great Aunt Leslie
"So what’s going on?"

(Great Aunt Bonnie texted here; I'd jotted it down for reference when I got time. Didn't get time;
text got deleted. Sorry, Bon.)

8:49 a.m. text from Auntie Sierra who went camping Friday night and 
had her phone off:
"What?! What’s happening?! Is she in labor?

8:52 a.m. text from Auntie Sierra:  
"Mom, I need something!"

Liam Michael Hollopeter
born August 4, 2012
6 lbs. 3 oz.
18 1/4"

There were many more texts, phone calls, and e-mails. I wasn't able to keep track of all of them. The point is you are very important and cared for by many loving people across the world.

from Auntie Haejee in South Korea (or some place else in the world)--
Dear y'all,
Congratulations for having the world most adorable Grandson, Nephew!!!! I  cannot wait to see him and he is absolutely adorable:) Thanks for making my day by sharing such AMAZING, AWESOME, FANTASTIC, SUPERCALIFRAGILASTICEXPIDOCIOUS, FABULOUS, SUPER, MEGA EPIC news!!!!  Hope every moment with Liam will be full of happiness and love:)

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