Sunday, October 23, 2011

Family reunion at Coppertop Restaurant in Valley City - no pictures, please.

Family members who attended were Patty, Jimmy, Danelle, Erin (who is Les' daughter), Bryan (who is Les' son), Uncle Jerry, Aunt Diane, Aunt Elaine, Uncle Ron, Auntie Donna, Uncle Karl, Cousin Yvonne, John, Gregory, Michelle, Charlie, Ryan, Uncle Dave, Aunt Angie, cousin Debrae and her partner Frank. It was quite fun. Oh, conversation got started when we heard Deb's daughter is at O.U. We said our older two kids went there, too. Frank played football at O.U. and then explained his super cool golf swing invention apparatus. We wish him and Deb the best! Also, they were recently filmed on Shark Tank. When we left we heard fireworks and Dad and I drove to find them. They were lovely!

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